Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Morrissons - A Theatre of Cruelty performance.

So, tonight I decided my family would make a great theater of cruelty performance to shock people into being better families.

For those of you who don't do drama, a Theater of Cruelty performance is designed to expose the audience to scenes that they would never ever be exposed to in normal everyday life, in order to prevent them from ever doing said act. For example, A theatre of cruelty performance stopping people from murdering, would contains scenes of graphic murder, violence, accompanied by loud noises, screaming, flashes of light. It is not uncommon for people to leave or throw up during ToC performances.

So, for your viewing pleasure I give you, the Morrisson's, a ToC performance.

It would open with a normal dinner scene, say at a restaurant or pub. Or even at home at the dinner table. Everyone is agitated as they know what is coming. A family "talk" discussion, agenda, lsit. Whatever it's called, it's annoying. It starts civil, people try and keep the peace, things are discussed, everything gets agrivated when one of the brothers keep making dicky comments. People try and stop him, to which he gets agitated. etc etc Becomes a full blown agrument. People leave. Or they all leave if at a resturant, as they didn't want to get to loud. Argument moves to the care, or spread across the house. Becomes a screaming match. Choice phrases are "I've done nothing wrong" "you're never going to change" "Everyone treats me like a slave" "I'll respect you if you respect me" "Give me some respect"
It gets worse and worse, louder and louder. Throw in some drums because what the heck. Everyone is stressed. All characters class. Bring up old wounds. Turns into a bitch fight. Nothing is resolved. everyone breaks down in their own ways. Laughing, crying, silent, angry, and angrier.
Lights go out. All is silent. everyone wakes up in their beds, it's the following morning. Nothing else happens. Nothing to be done.

And by the end of it, lasting about oh, let's say 2 and a half hours, the audience are so shocked or disgusted at the behavior, or sad because they can relate to any on of them or the situation that they all go home and are better people because of it.


Reginald <3

Sunday, January 1, 2012


I'm really sorry that my posts lately have been either really sort or just really really depressing. I wouldn't be surprised if none of you read any of them. I don't even know how many of you even come on blogger anymore.

But this post is likely not going to be any better, I'm in a shit mood, and I'm still shit, so here goes.

New years was great.
I'm back together with Zoee` for all of those who didn't know that we'd even broken up, we did, for like a week. After 2 months of barely talking. Some of you noticed that.
I'm still a mental wreck.
Zoee and I have been fighting, way too much. After three really great days then it went to shit.
I've figured some more about myself out.
It's a new year and grade 12 this year, which means I have to metaphorically ditch all my friends, and literally study all the time, sleep at 10-10:30 every night and keep myself very very strict on this. Which will be both great and absolute bullshit.
Goodbye social life.

That's about my life at the moment.
Thanks again for reading.